Results of the summer on the WHSD: 300 million kilometers were driven by users on the highway in three months

The analytical service of the Western High-Speed Diameter summed up the results of the summer of 2022 in terms of traffic flow. The total mileage of cars on the WHSD for three summer months amounted to 300 million kilometers - to drive such a distance, you need to go around the globe 7.5 thousand times (the length of the route is about 40 thousand kilometers). As before, most of all on the highways of passenger transport (90.6%), second place is occupied by vehicles of category II (4.9%) - these are mainly small commercial vehicles and two-axle buses, as well as the largest models of off-road vehicles. In total, more than 28 million transactions were recorded on the WHSD during the summer season. Drivers used the Western High-Speed Diameter most actively in August, with more than 9.7 million transactions completed this month.